
Extended DISC Team Analysis

The Extended DISC® Team, Group and Organizational Analysis is a tool that can combine all of the Individual Assessment results into one report. It shows the team dynamics, the strengths, and development areas of the team, and illustrates how the team members are adjusting their behaviors in the existing work environment. Team Assessment divides all of the different behavioral styles into four main styles. These styles are not better or worse. Each of the styles has its advantages and disadvantages.

Your Team at a Glance- Shot Gun Map

This Diamond demonstrates where the natural behavioral styles of the team members fall on the Extended DISC® Diamond. Each team member’s Natural Style is represented by a dot on the Diamond. The positions of the dots correspond to the positions of each individual’s Profile II on the Diamond. Determine in what quadrant each member’s dot is placed. That is his/her most natural behavioral style (D,I,S, or C)

Your Team at a Glance with Names

The Name Map provides the same information as the Shotgun Map but uses team members’ names instead of the dots. The position of the name is the position of the person’s Profile II (natural style) on the Diamond

Team Flexibility Zones

The shadings in the Team Flexibility Zones page demonstrate the behavioral styles that are the most comfortable for the team members. The white areas illustrate the areas on the Diamond that require the most energy, effort, and concentration from team members. The farther from the deepest shade the members move, the more energy is required.

Arrow Map

The Arrow Map demonstrates where both the natural behavioral style (Profile II) and the adjusted behavioral style (Profile I) of each team member sits on the Diamond. The team member’s Profile II is the starting point of the arrow and Profile I is the tip of the arrow.

The Extended DISC® Team Assessment is a very popular tool that allows you to include an unlimited number of individuals into one, easy-to-use team report. The Team Assessment identifies the team’s strengths, development areas, and its training and development needs.

The ability to include an unlimited number of individuals makes this a very powerful department, division, and even organizational assessment.

Team Analysis Sample Report

Application for the Extended DISC® Team Assessment applications:

• Sales Team

• Project Teams

• Leadership Teams

• Customer Service Teams

• Organizational Development

• Intact Work Groups

• Candidate ranking/comparison report

• Team member Selection Pool

• Sports Teams Development

• Strategic Decision-Making

• Turnover Reduction

• Understanding Complex Issues

• Identification of the effective behaviors

Extended DISC® Team Assessment Reports includes

• Maps to identify team makeup

• Maps to identify style adjustments

• Team Scorecard

• Team Roles