

At OEC² Solutions, we are Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) providers who serve as Mediators and Conflict Resolutions Coaches to help parties resolve their disputes outside of the courts. We do not make decisions or recommend outcomes; instead, we hear both sides of the dispute and help parties to reach a mutually satisfying agreement.

We mediate workplace and family disputes. Let us be your partner in resolution! 


Workplace Mediation is a confidential, voluntary process in which a neutral third person assists two or more individuals or groups within a team, between departments, and between employees and management resolve ongoing employee disputes and reach an agreement.

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Family Mediation is a confidential, voluntary family-centered transformational process where a neutral third person helps you and your family to work out an agreement about issues such as: divorce, and relationships mediation.

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Conflict Resolution Coaching is a voluntary and confidential process that combines Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) and coaching principles to help prevent, engage or resolve conflicts.

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OEC² Solutions Mediation Stages

Stage 1: Mediator’s Opening Statement. The mediator introduces everyone, explains the goals and rules of the mediation, and encourages each side to work cooperatively toward a settlement.

Stage 2: Disputants’ Opening Statements. Each party describes the dispute and its consequences without interruptions. The mediator entertains general ideas about resolution.

Stage 3: Joint discussion. The mediator encourages the parties to respond directly to the opening statements with the goal of arriving at an understanding of each party’s needs and concerns in an attempt to further define the issues.

Stage 4: Private caucuses. The private caucus is a chance for each party to meet privately with the mediator. Each side will be placed in a separate room. The mediator will go between the two rooms to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each position and to exchange offers. The information shared in caucus in confidential.

Stage 5: Joint negotiation. After caucuses, the mediator usually doesn’t bring the parties back together until a settlement is reached or the time allotted for the mediation ends.

Stage 6: Closure. If the parties reach an agreement, the mediator will put it in writing and ask each side to sign the written summary of the agreement. If the parties didn’t reach an agreement, the mediator will help the parties determine whether to meet again later to continue negotiations or discuss non-settlement alternatives.

For further information or to schedule an appointment, please contact us today.

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