
Extended DISC® Individual Analysis

The Extended DISC® Individual Assessments are self-assessments that identify the strengths and development areas of an individual. What makes Extended DISC® different from other assessments is that it is able to measure the hard- wired behaviors to exclude the impact of the environment. In practice this means that the results show who the individual actually is and not what the person thinks he/she needs to be in the existing environment. As a result, the report identifies the true strengths and development areas to allow for real performance improvement.

Extended DISC® Profile I and Profile II

Your Extended DISC® Profiles

The Profiles are a visual representation of your behavioral style. They are based on your

responses to the questionnaire. There are no right or wrong answers.

Profile I: Perceived Need to Adjust – Your adjusted style reflects an adjustment that you perceive would help you be successful in your current environment.

Profile II: Natural Style – Your natural style remains fairly stable, but not rigid, over your adult life. It is the style that is most comfortable to you and uses the least energy. Most individuals are a combination of styles.

The styles (D, I, S, and C) that are above the middle line (=top half of the Profile II) are your natural styles. The styles that show below the middle line means that they require more energy from you. There are no good or bad behavioral styles – just different one

Your DISC Style

The DISC Model is divided into four quadrants: D, I, S and C.

The rectangle identified in color shows the location of your natural style. Determine in what quadrant it is placed. This is your most natural and comfortable behavioral style (D, I, S or C). The shadings demonstrate the behavioral styles that are quite comfortable for you.

The DISC quadrant(s) that have shading represent your DISC comfort areas or your natural style.

The DISC quadrant(s) that have no shading represent DISC styles requiring more energy from you.

Extended DISC® Diamond 

Interpreting Extended DISC® Profiles – the Extended DISC Diamond

Think of the Diamond as a map that plots a person’s DISC style. On the Diamond, the dot which is the starting point of the arrow shows a person’s Profile II. Look at the four quadrants. The quadrant location of the dot is the person’s primary style. The tip of the arrow shows the person’s Profile I.

Individual Analysis Sample Report

One Questionnaire = Multiple Assessments

Partial list of the most common Individual Extended DISC® Assessments:

• Communication

• Sales

• Business Development

• Management

• Leadership

• Customer Service

• Healthcare

• HR Professional

• Administrative

• Team Development

• Information Technology

• Project Management

• Entrepreneurial

• Trainer

• Educators

• Stress Management

Application for Extended DISC Individual Assessment

There are many applications for the Extended DISC® Individua Analysis including:

• Recruitment

• Succession Planning

• Job Coaching and Mentoring

• Management & Leadership Development

• Executive Coaching

• Role /Job alignment

• Performance Management

• Career Planning

• Employee Development

• Training & Development

• Employee Engagement

• Team Development

• Organizational Culture