
Credit Card Payment Form

    Workshop Title: Date of Workshop:
    How did you hear about this training?:
    Information about Participant Attending Workshop:
    Last Name: First Name:
    Job Title:
    Name of Organization:
    Phone: Cell:
    Address: City: State: Zip:
    Providence: Country:
    Will additional participants be attending the workshop? If so, please provide their information below:
    Participant #2
    Last Name: First Name: Cell:
    Job Title: Email:
    Participant #3
    Last Name: First Name: Cell:
    Job Title: Email:
    Participant #4
    Last Name: First Name: Cell:
    Job Title: Email:
    Participant #5
    Last Name: First Name: Cell:
    Job Title: Email:
    Credit Card Information (must match monthly statement information):
    Name listed on credit card:
    Credit Card Type (select one): VisaMasterCardDiscoverAmerican Express
    Credit Card 16-Digit number: Security Code: Exp. Date
    I give OEC² Solutions, LLC permission to run my credit card for the amount listed below Date:
    Please list how you would like your name to appear on your badge if different from the name(s) listed above:
    Do you or anyone attending this workshop have any food allergies? If so, please list allergies below:
    Workshop Payment Information:
    Qty Name of Workshop Workshop Price (Qty x Workshop Price)
        GRAND TOTAL*

    ***For Office Use Only***
    Information for Completing the Credit Card Payment Form

    Credit Card Information 

    Payment Information


    Important Information

    Odette Christie
    OEC² Solutions, LLC