
Single-Day Programs

We understand the time and resources needed to create training programs can be overwhelming. The good news is that the work is already done for you. We offer certified training programs. These programs are a powerful blend of experientially based learning tools designed to provide an excellent turnkey solution.
We work with your organization to build and develop internal trainers to conduct training programs in-house. We partner with your Trainers, Human Resources, Organizational Development Professionals, and Managers to equip internal trainers with the facilitation skills necessary to successfully deliver these programs. Once your trainers complete the train-the-trainer workshop, they are certified and able to conduct programs internally.
Certification is required for our single-day programs and can be completed in one of two ways: virtual certification via webinar, or in-house certification with one of our facilitators.
We currently offer these outstanding turn-key solutions to address today’s business challenges.

coaching-achievementCoaching Achievement

Coaching Achievement™ is a single-day training program to assist managers and leaders in enhancing their skills at developing and maintaining effective coaching relationships to improve the performance and growth of others.
Certification is required and may be completed in one of two ways:
1. Virtual Certification via webinar.
2. In-House Certification with one of our facilitators.
Contact us today for a total-cost proposal based on your specific needs.

In today’s competitive environment, organizations cannot afford to lose talented employees. But individuals who are not properly coached can become underutilized, error prone, and unable to meet their goals. That’s why it’s critical for managers and leaders to coach for achievement every day. Coaching Achievement™ helps managers and leaders to become effective on-the-job coaches.

  • Provides an understanding of the benefits and behavior of an effective coaching style
  • Builds confidence in handling coaching challenges
  • Enables effective coaching relationships to improve performance and growth of others
  • Explores the roles and responsibilities of coaches in today’s organizations
  • Identifies strengths and areas of improvement in 5 key coaching skills
  • Assesses real-life coaching challenges
  • Provides strategies for handling coaching challenges
  • Who Should Attend: Managers and leaders with coaching responsiblities
  • Group Size: 6 or more participants
  • Duration: 1 day or 2 half-days




Creating Team Synergy

Creating Team Synergy™ is a single-day training program to help teams develop the skills to improve relationships and maximize performance.
Certification is required and may be completed in one of two ways:
1. Virtual Certification via webinar.
2. In-House Certification with one of our facilitators.
Contact us today for a total-cost proposal based on your specific needs.

Have you ever witnessed a winning sports team or a well-rehearsed orchestra and felt the commitment and energy the team demonstrated? What you saw was more than just teamwork — it was team synergy, a phenomenon that occurs when a team achieves greater results than the sum of its parts. Give your team the opportunity to experience that phenomenon with Creating Team Synergy™, a complete one-day program.

  • Provides sense of team direction
  • Clarifies roles and responsibilities
  • Minimizes (or eliminates) blockages to maximum performance
  • Bolsters interpersonal as well as inter-team relationships
  • Pinpoints team’s current level of development
  • Identifies blockages to maximum performance
  • Defines criteria for meaningful mission, vision, and goal statements
  • Identifies team member communication styles
  • Who Should Attend: Intact groups or teams at all levels
  • Group Size: 6 or more participants
  • Duration: 1 day or 2 half-days



 cross-cultural-communicationsCross-Cultural Communications 2.0™

Cross-Cultural Communications 2.0™ is a single-day training program to develop skills for adjusting communication styles, technology, work styles, and leadership for geographical distance and cultural difference.
Certification is required and may be completed in one of two ways:
1. Virtual Certification via webinar.
2. In-House Certification with one of our facilitators.
Contact us today for a total-cost proposal based on your specific needs.

The intersection of distance and culture in today’s workplace creates a need to match type of communication, leadership style and technology to the needs and nuances of differing cultures. For both leaders and teams, achieving alignment and productivity requires attention to these factors. Cross-Cultural Communications 2.0™ will help participants understand critical dimensions of culture and use of communications technology in different cultures.

  • Identifies tools for adjusting communication processes, work styles and leadership for cultural differences specific to workplace
  • Provides insights to understanding specific experiences of multi-cultural challenges
  • Enables increased confidence in working effectively with colleagues from different cultures
  • Explores the benefits as well as limitations of different influence styles
  • Identifies personal influence style
  • Teaches skills for analyzing situations and stating personal position
  • Demonstrates the importance of non-verbal communication and its impact

Who Should Attend: Team leaders and members who rely on technology in order to communicate and complete tasks successfully
Group Size: 6 or more participants
Duration: 1 day



electric-body-languageElectronic Body Language™

Electronic Body Language™ is a single-day training program to understand the electronic equivalent of non-verbal, face-to-face communication in order to achieve accurate virtual communication. Certification is required and may be completed in one of two ways: 1. Virtual Certification via webinar. 2. In-House Certification with one of our facilitators. Contact us today for a total-cost proposal based on your specific needs.

Most of us have learned to interpret non-verbal cues to determine when another person is happy, bored, relaxed, overwhelmed, or disengaged. To thrive in a virtual working environment, we must understand the electronic equivalent to the body language we know. Electronic Body Language™ will help individuals learn the signs of electronic (e.g. email, teleconferencing, texting) non-verbal cues and identify communication habits and behaviors that may be interpreted in a way not intended.

  • Increases the chances that electronic communications will be accurately interpreted
  • Prevents or corrects negative assumptions about competence and credibility based on electronic habits
  • Identifies personal communication style that provides a foundation for projecting a credible electronic image
  • Mitigates the possibility of electronic habits undermining one’s work efforts
  • Provides an understanding of the electronic equivalent to face-to-face body language
  • Raises an awareness of how we make assumptions about the competence and credibility of others based on electronic habits
  • Identifies personal style of virtual communications
  • Teaches effective electronic communication methods and best practicesPinpoints team’s current level of development
  • Who Should Attend: Anyone who needs to use technology to communicate
  • Group Size: 6 or more participants
  • Duration: 1 day




Influencing with Assertive Communication™

Influencing With Assertive Communication™ is a single-day training program to develop skills that individuals need to express themselves directly and honestly, while preserving relationships and respecting the rights of others.
Certification is required and may be completed in one of two ways:
1. Virtual Certification via webinar.
2. In-House Certification with one of our facilitators.
Contact us today for a total-cost proposal based on your specific needs.

From resolving misunderstandings with teammates to negotiating the terms of a contract, we’re all faced with the need to influence others. Mastering the skill of assertive communication, however, takes time and practice. Influencing With Assertive Communication™ develops the skills that individuals need to express themselves directly and honestly, while preserving relationships and respecting the rights of others.

  • Provides strategies for handling feedback
  • Enables use of effective techniques demonstrated by assertive communicators
  • Builds confidence in communicating assertively and effectively
  • Influencing With Assertive Communication™ is a single-day training program to develop skills that individuals need to express themselves directly and honestly, while preserving relationships and respecting the rights of others.
  • Certification is required and may be completed in one of two ways:
    1. Virtual Certification via webinar.
    2. In-House Certification with one of our facilitators.
  • Contact us today for a total-cost proposal based on your specific needs.
  • Who Should Attend: Anyone who wants to master the skill of assertive communication
  • Group Size: 6 or more participants
  • Duration: 1 day or 2 half-days




Negotiating Win-Win Solutions

Creating Team Synergy™ is a single-day training program to help teams develop the skills to improve relationships and maximize performance.
Certification is required and may be completed in one of two ways:
1. Virtual Certification via webinar.
2. In-House Certification with one of our facilitators.
Contact us today for a total-cost proposal based on your specific needs.

  • Who Should Attend: Anyone who wants to improve their negotiation skills
  • Group Size: 6 or more participants
  • Duration: 1 Day or 2 half-days




Virtual Work Essentials™

Virtual Work Essentials™ is a single-day training program designed to provide concepts and skills to become an effective virtual worker.
Certification is required and may be completed in one of two ways:
1. Virtual Certification via webinar.
2. In-House Certification with one of our facilitators.
Contact us today for a total-cost proposal based on your specific needs.

More and more companies work virtually, allowing key talent to be spread across multiple locations without incurring the expense of physically relocating that talent. Technology allows for communication with staff who work across multiple time zones. Virtual Work Essentials™ teaches critical skills and behaviors to enable anyone to successfully work across distance.

  • Identifies individual readiness to be a virtual worker
  • Helps participants understand the difference between functioning in a traditional organization as compared to a virtual one
  • Teaches skills necessary to be an effective virtual worker
  • Assesses current communication practices to identify areas for improvement
  • Enables participants to create a personal action plan to improve their virtual effectiveness
  • Helps individuals to understand their personal readiness to work virtually
  • Provides tools to support productive relationships over distance
  • Provides communication models and techniques that ensure effective communication
  • Integrates general best practice habits into a virtual work style
  • Who Should Attend: Any member of an organization who uses technology to work across multiple locations and/or time zones
  • Group Size: 6 or more participants
  • Duration: 1 day or 2 half-days



Today's organizations increasingly rely on virtual teams to achieve their business goals. But, virtual teams operate differently from co-located teams, and applying traditional styles of management and leadership simply don't create high-performance virtual teams.
The Virtual Team Fitness Scorecard™ (VTFS) by Bridging Distance is an evidence-based assessment that uncovers areas of weakness and strength in your virtual teams so you know where to direct your managerial time and resources and where to step back.
With traditional in-house teams, you can simply look around and determine what is happening. You instinctively "read" your teams, and take the appropriate action. Few, if any, leaders can take accurate readings across the many distances inherent in virtual teams. The VTFS assesses your team across five critical dimensions: context, technology, dynamics, leadership, and results.
Leaders must understand the intricacies of the distances separating them from their team and teammates from one another. Virtual teams are separated by geography, culture, interpersonal aspects (age, gender, personal preferences), technology, and by organizational structure. The challenge is for organizations and leaders to bridge these distances in order to develop high-performance virtual teams.

  • Identifies weakness and strengths of your virtual team across 5 dimensions: context, technology, dynamics, leadership, and results.
  • Provides a clear snapshot of where your virtual team needs work, and where it does not, in order to become a high-performance virtual team.
  • Provides leadership with a deep understanding of the various factors that are preventing the team from functioning on a higher level.
  • This online assessment is delivered electronically to your virtual team and virtual team leader.
  • Once every team member’s assessment is submitted, leadership will be provided with a detailed team report.
  • Report includes overall team results and also results comparing the team leader with the rest of the team.
  • The detailed report is available in two editions -- a basic, fundamental report, and a deeper dive report.
  • Who Should Attend:
  • Group Size: 16 to 24 participants
  •  Duration: 1 Day or 2 half-days




Working through Organizational Change™

Working Through Organizational Change™ is a single-day training program to help individuals make an intentional effort to support the organization changes they encounter.
Certification is required and may be completed in one of two ways:
1. Virtual Certification via webinar.
2. In-House Certification with one of our facilitators.
Contact us today for a total-cost proposal based on your specific needs.

Everyone has a reaction to change, whether the change is organization wide or specific to individual departments or employees. The more we know about the process of change, the better equipped we are to take steps toward accepting it and adapting to it in our work and lives. Working through Organizational Change™ helps individuals make an intentional effort to support the changes they encounter.

  • Improves communication during time of organizational stress
  • Decreases stress created by change by helping individuals regain a sense of control
  • Assists individuals in taking charge of their reactions to change
  • Identifies personal response to change
  • Outlines key phases of change
  • Explores the 5 stages of grief often associated with change
  • Provides a model for improving communication in times of change
  • Identifies 12 actions that can help individuals regain a sense of control
  • Who Should Attend: Any individual in an organization that is undergoing change
  • Group Size: 6 or more participants
  • Duration: 1 day or 2 half-days

