
Unconscious Bias: Privilege

Unconscious Bias: Privilege is a ½ -day, experiential workshop for leaders and managers who want to understand the relationship between unconscious bias and privilege. The concept of intersectionality is discussed to explore strategies to manage at the individual, group and organizational levels.

  • Understand Unconscious Bias
  • Understand Privilege (Unearned Privilege)
  • Discuss why is it important to recognize unconscious bias and privilege
  • Discuss the types of privilege
  • Explore what does privilege look like in the workplace
  • What is intersectionality and Why does it matter
  • Strategies for handing unconscious bias, privilege and intersectionality

• Increase awareness of unconscious bias and privilege
• Understand how unconscious bias and privilege operates in the workplace
• Advance ability to addressing unconscious bias and privilege
• Under intersectionality and multiple identities

Leaders and manager who want to increase their awareness of Unconscious Bias: Power, Privilege and Oppression
Duration: ½ -Day

The training can be completed in one of four ways:
1. Public Workshop
2. Virtual Workshop
3. On-Site with one of our facilitators
4. Customizable- this workshop can be customized based on the unique needs of your organization. Contact us today at 832-234-4207 for a total-cost proposal based on your specific needs.

2020 Unconscious Bias: Privilege Training Schedule Coming Soon

Ways to Register

Register Online

Phone (credit card registration only) 1-832-234-4207

Email Click here to download the registration and Credit Card Form and send to ochristie@oec2solutions.com

On-Site Request Form